Posted on 9/22/2022

Many thanks to our loyal customers, for making us your favorite stop for all your car repairs and maintenance needs
Posted on 9/22/2022

As we have become aware of the catalytic converters on the Toyota Prius being targeted and the theft deterrent shield becoming available it seemed like the problem had been resolved. We noticed a huge reduction in thefts and the shield was solid. Unfortunately as it may be with these things, resourceful thieves may have found a way around it. There is a very small tiny gap at the front of the shield, very small hands or an extra long extended blade can get in there and make a cut. Don't be discouraged as the shield is doing its job. An extra layer of protection is added and it poses greater risk as the thieves are significantly slowed down. Additionally it makes them have to work harder and there is a higher risk of getting caught. However, what we have now seen is that with multiple cuts and some extra force the cat can still be taken. This is different than before where all it took was two quick cuts. It is rare at this point for this to happen as we have so ... read more
Posted on 7/15/2018
Automatic and standard transmissions are very complex. Adding to the complexity in the newer vehicles of today is the use of computers in both engines and transmissions. Proper diagnostic testing is a must in pinpointing existing problems. At that point, a decision can be made as to whether you need a new transmission or if you can rebuild your existing one. 1. Rebuilding is cost effective for you Most people think that if a transmission needs repairs or rebuilding, they need to replace the entire vehicle. This is no longer the case. If you’ve decided to rebuild your existing transmission, you have chosen a cost-effective way to keep your vehicle rather than selling it. When you rebuild – you’re basically getting a new transmission. This is more affordable than having to replace an entire vehicle. 2. Proper Equipment is a Must While rebuilding a transmission may sound easy, it can be difficult without the proper equipment. The transmission is completely taken apart. All components othe ... read more
Posted on 6/15/2018
It’s a busy weekday morning. You barely get out the door in time, and when you get to the car, start the ignition, and a dashboard warning light comes on- the check engine light. Uh-oh. The check engine light is probably every driver’s most hated warning light. It gives no details about what’s wrong, and the list of potential problems goes on and on, ranging from minor malfunctions to costly problems. NOTE: If your check engine light comes on and is flashing, this indicates a serious problem and you should get to the nearest auto repair facility immediately. Top 3 Most Common Causes of the Check Engine Light 1. Oxygen Sensor: The oxygen sensors in your car helps determine how much fuel you burn. A defective oxygen sensor effects mileage calculation and leads to a decrease in fuel economy. While oxygen sensors are a relatively easy and inexpensive part to replace, failing to replace them in time can eventually destroy your catalytic converter. And depending on the car, a catalytic conve ... read more
Posted on 5/15/2018
Just like brakes, it’s easy for drivers to tell when the clutch is wearing out and needing a replacement. A worn out, or wearing out, clutch can be harder to handle. You might notice that the pedals seem to ‘stick’ more, and that pushing the clutch in requires more force than normal. A clutch in need of repair can also lose the smoothness of a clutch in good condition; you might notice a ‘shakiness’ or jerking motion when the clutch moves from gear to gear, or even total loss of control at times, as the clutch slips out of gear entirely. The clutch doesn’t usually last the lifespan of the car. Depending on the vehicle’s make and model, and how well the clutch is treated, the clutch may or may not last more than 50,000 miles. Even the climate of where you live and drive, and your commute-type can affect the clutch. A driver that sits in city traffic all day, inching along, uses the clutch a lot more than a driver that coasts down the highway. Hot weather also affects the usage of clutch ... read more